Try again. Fail again. Fail better. (S. Beckett)


Janus (both iOS and OS X)

Janus is a program that manages text notes with attachments on both iOS and OS X, synchronizing the notes over Dropbox.

The program requires iOS 6 or later on iPhone/iPad and OS X 10.7 or later on a 64 bit intel machine on Macintosh.

To install the OS X version download the archive from here; unpack the zip file (if needed); copy Janus into Applications folder and execute it.

To Install the iOS version:
if you are on my iOS beta tester list, go directly from the device browser to
if you want to participate to the beta testing, just send me an email with the UDID of your device(s).

Dropbox sync is activated into the preferences for both OSes. On iOS simply “link” your dropbox account. On OS X, select “Change Path” and select the folder ~/Dropbox/Apps/Janus-Note (that will exist if you already linked the iOS version to dropbox).
Both version can work also without Dropbox synchronization, as standalone applications.

There are no know bugs at the moment.